Embodied pt 4 - the future

Purpose: To reflect on the significance of Jesus’ embodiment and how it shapes our understanding of the future and our lives today.

Opening Reflection: Advent reminds us of the arrival of God in human form—Jesus—and invites us to consider what His incarnation means for our lives, our communities, and the world. Today, we explore how Jesus’ embodied life and resurrection point to a future reality of rest and restoration where heaven and earth are united.

Scripture Reading:

  • Luke 24:39-43 “Look at my hands and my feet. It is I myself! Touch me and see; a ghost does not have flesh and bones, as you see I have.”

  • John 1:14 “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.”

  • Ephesians 1:9-10 “God’s plan for the climax of all times: to bring all things together in Christ, the things in heaven along with the things on earth.”

Discussion Questions:

1. Reflecting on the Incarnation

  • How does the idea that God became fully human in Jesus shape your understanding of who God is?

  • What stands out to you about Jesus’ embodied actions (e.g., eating fish, touching others, walking, and resting)?

2. Embodied Future

  • The Bible describes a future where heaven and earth are united. How does this image of rest and restoration challenge or inspire your view of eternity?

  • What resonates with you in the idea of a future without pain, insecurity, or scarcity? How do you imagine your role in such a reality?

3. Everyday Actions with Eternal Significance

  • Jesus’ life points to a reality of renewal and liberation. How can we participate in this renewal in our daily lives?

  • Which of the following practices speaks most to you as a way to cultivate this vision of the future: generosity, hospitality, justice, kindness, or care for creation? Why?

4. Advent Anticipation

  • Advent is a season of waiting and anticipation. How can you use this time to align your everyday actions with the hope of God’s future?

  • How does Jesus’ prayer for God’s kingdom to come “on earth as it is in heaven” influence your own prayers and actions?

Reflection Activity: Invite group members to spend a few minutes in silent reflection, considering this question: What is one embodied practice you can embrace this week to reflect the hope of Jesus’ future? Encourage participants to write down their reflections and, if comfortable, share them with the group.

Closing Prayer: Jesus, thank You for taking on flesh and dwelling among us. Help us to live with anticipation of Your future rest and restoration. May our actions today reflect the goodness, beauty, and hope of Your kingdom. Guide us to embody Your love in our lives and communities. Amen.

Optional Communion: End with communion as a tangible reminder of Jesus’ embodied presence and the hope we celebrate in Advent.


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