EMH - Friendship Guide
Opening Reflection (10 min)
Begin by reading the introduction aloud: Every moment is an invitation to practice the way of Jesus towards flourishing, beauty, and goodness. Even in everyday life, we are always being shaped by our practices—so what if we saw friendship as a holy invitation?
Ask: When you think of friendship, what is one word that comes to mind?
Write responses down and briefly reflect together on common themes.
Section 1: What is Friendship? (15 min)
How have different traditions understood friendship?
Greek philosophers (Aristotle, Plato): friendship as essential for a good life.
Hebrew and Rabbinic tradition: friendship as strengthening individuals, community, and relationship with God.
Modern social science: friendships improve mental, emotional, and physical well-being.
How do these perspectives align with your experiences of friendship?
Reflection Activity:
Discuss Pamela Reeve’s three types of friends:
Friends along the way
Friends for the hike
Friends for the journey
Which category do your closest friends fall into? How have these friendships shaped you?
Section 2: Friendship with Self (15 min)
Do you think of yourself as a friend to yourself? Why or why not?
How does your relationship with yourself impact how you show up in other friendships?
What practices could help you cultivate a deeper friendship with yourself?
Reflection Activity:
Consider a time when you treated yourself with kindness and care. Share (if comfortable) what that looked like.
Section 3: Friendship with God (15 min)
Scripture Reading:
Exodus 33:11 – "The LORD would speak to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend."
John 15:12-17 – Jesus calls us friends.
What does it mean to you that Jesus calls us friends?
How does friendship with God compare to other types of friendships?
What does it mean to ‘make your home’ in Jesus’ love?
How does our understanding of friendship shape our understanding of our relationship with God?
Reflection Activity:
Spend a few moments in silent reflection, imagining what it would be like to feel at home in Jesus’ love. What does that look like in your everyday life?
Closing: Friendship as a Holy Practice (10 min)
How does Jesus’ model of friendship challenge us?
What would it look like to practice friendship with others in a way that leads to renewal?
Who in your life is inviting you into deeper friendship?
Closing Reflection:
Read aloud: Friendship is an everyday, holy practice that takes Jesus seriously. When we see others as friends, we are more likely to practice kindness, forgiveness, and empathy. Jesus invites us into this holy practice.
Encourage each person to identify one small step they can take this week to practice friendship—with God, with themselves, or with others.
Prayer & Closing:
Offer a time for prayer, inviting those who need prayer for relationships or connection to receive support from the group.
End with a prayer of gratitude for friendship and the ways God is present in it.