In Unseen Spaces - Ezekiel


This week, we explore Ezekiel—a prophet whose story unfolds during Israel’s exile. At the heart of Ezekiel's vision is the presence of God in an unexpected place, offering hope and challenging assumptions. This moment teaches us that unseen spaces—whether dislocation, grief, or exile—are opportunities to encounter God anew and expand our understanding of faith.

Reflection Questions

  1. Opening Reflection

    • Ezekiel was in exile when he encountered God. Have you ever felt displaced, either physically or spiritually? How did that shape your understanding of God’s presence?

  2. God in Unexpected Places

    • Ezekiel saw God’s presence in Babylon—a place he would never have expected. What are some ways you’ve seen God at work in unexpected or unconventional places?

    • How does this challenge the limits we place on where and how God works?

  3. Encountering God in Unseen Spaces

    • Ezekiel’s vision called him to reimagine God’s presence outside the temple and religious norms. What aspects of your faith or beliefs about God might need reimagining?

    • What role do beauty, creativity, or wonder play in how you experience and connect with God?

  4. Personal and Communal Implications

    • Ezekiel's calling was to share a renewed vision of God with others. How can our encounters with God in unseen spaces equip us to share hope with our communities?

    • How do we hold space for the voices of modern "Ezekiels" speaking into exile, dislocation, or disruption in our world today?

Closing Prayer

Reflect on the table of communion as a symbol of God’s presence in unfamiliar places. Ask God to help you see where He is moving, especially in unseen spaces, and to enlarge your faith in the process.


Emdodied pt 1 - Discussion Guide


In Unseen Places - Elijah Guide