Weekly Update 03.28.24


Lent and Easter Season. We have got a ton of amazing opportunities to go deeper and participate in the story of Jesus this year.

  1. Good Friday, March 29 at 7pm

  2. Easter Sunday, March 31 at 10 am

  3. Easter Party, following our Sunday Service

Easter Baptism. Sign up to get baptized this Easter, March 31st during out 10am service. Baptism is an outward declaration of our faith in Jesus. As we're immersed (baptized) in the water we make visible our participation in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, proclaiming that we belong to the family of God and are citizens of a new Kingdom. After signing up for baptism, a pastor will follow up with you to discuss details for the day of. Sign up here.

Easter Desserts. On Easter we're throwing a party right after our Sunday morning service and we need your help to make our celebration as sweet as possible. How can you help, you might ask? Great question. By bringing your favorite sweet to share with the community! Are you a macaroon master? Perfect! Are you a bread genius? Amazing. How about a cupcake savant? We'll need you. Sign up here to bring your favorite homemade dessert to share at our Easter party! 

Easter Party Cleanup. Many hands make light work. Sign up here to help clean up after our Easter Party.

Prayer Night. Prayer Night, April 17th at 7 p.m. A monthly time to pray with and for one another, Missio, and Salt Lake City.

Contact Lauren Cole with questions: laurenmadisoncole@gmail.com

Missio Guiding Team. The guiding team serves as Missio's board and models and supports leadership as active members in the community. Please consider nominating someone from the community to serve on Missio's guiding team. You can do so here.

Dinner for 8. Join a dinner to get to know more people in our Missio community and create deeper relationships with those you do know! Sign up to host or attend a dinner. They will take place the week of April 21-27. Please register by April 7th so we can organize groups and hosts! Questions: contact Amanda Lingle alingle97@gmail.com