Weekly Update 04.20.23


Prayer Team. Lauren Cole is starting up Sunday prayer teams. If you are interested in being part of the team to encourage, strengthen, and comfort through prayer on Sundays, email Lauren directly: laurenmadisoncole@gmail.com

Guiding Team Nominations. With Krysti Nellermoe and Matt Martinez wrapping up their two-year terms as members of the Guiding Team in May, we’d like to open up a period of time for nominations from community members to join the Guiding Team. If you have anyone in mind who’s contributing in a leadership or service role at Missio, consider nominating them to join the team! You can nominate individuals by emailing the Guiding Team at team@missiodeislc.com or filling out a nomination form here.

Spring Dinners for 8. Spring is a good time to enjoy a meal together! Either choose to host or attend a dinner to get to know more people in our Missio community and create deeper relationships with those you do know. Spring dinners for 8 will take place April 24-29.