Weekly Update 11.30.23


Advent Party. Join us after service, December 3rd, to celebrate the beginning of the Advent season. We'll have food, treats, and activities for adults and kids. Sign up to bring a soup, chili, side, or treat to share.

Advent Offering. This is the last week to sign up to give to local families through Missio. Each year, during Advent, Missio partners with an organization for our Advent Offering. This year, we are partnering with the Boys & Girls Club to provide gifts for local families. You can sign up here to purchase a gift, then bring your gift to Missio on December 3 for our Advent party.

Christmas Eve Service. Missio strives to respect time with family, while also creating an opportunity for community engagement and reflection on the coming of Christ. In light of this, we will be holding our Sunday service on December 24th from 3:30 to 5:00 pm. Hot drinks and fellowship will be available followed by a traditional candlelight service. We hope to see you and celebrate with you there.