Group Discussion Guide: Make Good Choices Pt. 2 - See You in Court


In this session, we explore the theme of conflict within the church, as discussed in 1 Corinthians 6:1-12. The Corinthian believers were taking each other to court over trivial matters, using corrupt Roman legal systems to seek personal advantage. Paul challenges this behavior, urging the church to resolve conflicts within the community in ways that reflect the gospel's values of restoration, love, and unity. As followers of Christ, we are called to embody the future kingdom of God now, engaging in conflict with a generous and restorative posture.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Reflecting on Integrity vs. Victory:

    • The sermon began with a story about a Spanish runner who chose to help a competitor rather than take advantage of his mistake to win a race.

    • Question: Have you ever faced a situation where you had to choose between doing what was right and taking an opportunity for personal gain? How did you respond, and what were the outcomes?

  2. Understanding Conflict in the Church:

    • The Corinthians were suing each other in Roman courts, which were corrupt and designed to favor the powerful.

    • Question: Why do you think Paul was so concerned about the church members taking each other to court? What does this reveal about the values that should guide our conflicts?

  3. Living the Already-Not-Yet Kingdom:

    • Paul reminds the Corinthians that they are called to live as citizens of God's kingdom, even in their disputes.

    • Question: What does it mean to live the "already-not-yet" reality of God's kingdom in our daily interactions, especially in conflict? How can we apply this to our church community?

  4. Seeking Restoration Over Advantage:

    • Paul criticizes the Corinthians for seeking their own advantage in conflicts rather than striving for restoration.

    • Question: In what ways do we, consciously or unconsciously, seek to gain the upper hand in conflicts? How can we shift our mindset to prioritize restoration and mutuality instead?

  5. Expecting More from Ourselves and Each Other:

    • The sermon encourages us to expect more from ourselves and others, calling for a generous posture in conflict.

    • Question: What practical steps can we take to foster a culture of generosity, understanding, and restoration in our church or community? How can we hold ourselves and others accountable to these values?


  • Personal Reflection: Think about a recent conflict you’ve been involved in, whether in church, work, or family. How might this teaching influence the way you handle similar situations in the future?

  • Group Reflection: As a group, discuss how your community can better support each other in resolving conflicts in a way that aligns with the gospel. What changes might need to be made to ensure that conflicts lead to restoration rather than division?


Conclude the discussion by praying for wisdom and grace to handle conflicts in a way that reflects the love and unity of Christ. Ask God to help each member of the group embody the values of His kingdom in their relationships and interactions.


Group Discussion Guide: Make Good Choices Pt. 3 - Don’t eat that


Make Good Choices pt 1. Discussion Guide