Group Discussion Guide: Make Good Choices Pt. 3 - Don’t eat that

Opening Prayer

Begin with a prayer inviting God’s presence and guidance as you discuss and reflect on the themes of love, unity, and community in the body of Christ.

Scripture Reading

Read 1 Corinthians 8:1-3,7-8 and 1 Corinthians 10:1-7, 23-24 together as a group. Consider reading from multiple translations for deeper understanding.


In part 3 of our series, Make Good Choices, Heather discusses how the Corinthian church, despite their spiritual knowledge and wisdom, struggled with division and discord. Paul challenges them (and us) to move beyond mere knowledge and instead build one another up in love. True spiritual maturity is marked not by asserting our freedoms or knowledge but by fostering unity and care for others, especially within a diverse community.

Reflection Questions

1. Understanding the Context:

  • What were some of the key issues causing division in the Corinthian church?

  • How did cultural, social, and religious backgrounds contribute to these divisions?

2. Knowledge vs. Love:

  • Paul contrasts knowledge that "puffs up" with love that "builds up." How do you see this tension playing out in your own life or in the church today?

  • Have there been times when you or others have prioritized knowledge or being "right" over loving and supporting others? How did that impact relationships?

3. True Freedom and Responsibility:

  • How does Paul redefine freedom in the context of Christian community? What does it mean to exercise true freedom by considering others?

  • Reflect on a time when you made a choice that prioritized the well-being of someone else over your own preferences or rights. How did that decision impact the relationship and community?

4. Love as the Foundation of Community:

  • What are some practical ways we can ensure that our actions and decisions are rooted in love, especially when dealing with disagreements or differences?

  • How can we create a more inclusive and loving community, reflecting the generous spirit of Jesus in our interactions with others?

5. Applying the Message:

  • In what areas of your life or within your community do you sense a need for greater unity and love? How can you contribute to building up rather than tearing down?

  • How can this discussion guide your actions and decisions in the coming week?

Group Activity

Reflection & Sharing:

  • Take a few minutes to reflect individually on an area where you may need to shift from knowledge or being "right" to practicing love in your relationships. Write down any thoughts or actions you feel led to take.

  • Share your reflections with the group, if comfortable, and discuss how you can support one another in these areas.

Closing Prayer

End with a prayer asking God to help each person live out the message of love and unity in their daily lives, fostering a Christ-centered community that reflects His love to others.


Group Discussion Guide: Make Good Choices Pt. 4 - The sex lives of Corinthians christians


Group Discussion Guide: Make Good Choices Pt. 2 - See You in Court