Group Discussion Guide: Make Good Choices Pt. 4 - The sex lives of Corinthians christians


In this final part of the "Make Good Choices" series, we explore Paul's teachings on sexual ethics as he addresses the Corinthian church's misunderstandings about freedom and the body. The Corinthians believed they had the right to do anything, including engaging in sexually immoral and exploitative practices, but Paul challenges this notion by emphasizing that true Christian freedom is about loving and honoring God, ourselves, and others. Through this discussion, we'll consider how these ancient teachings can inform our own sexual ethics today, guiding us to make choices that reflect the love and wisdom of Christ.

Scripture Exploration

Read 1 Corinthians 6:12-20

Discussion Points:

  1. Misunderstanding Freedom

    • Question: How do we see the concept of “freedom” being misinterpreted in the Corinthian church? Can you see parallels in today’s culture?

    • Question: Paul emphasizes that true freedom is the freedom to love. How does this reshape our understanding of Christian freedom?

  2. Sexual Ethics and the Body (Verses 14-17)

    • Question: Unlike the Corinthians, Paul argues that our bodies matter, in part because of the resurrection. How does this belief influence how we treat our bodies and others?

    • Question: What does it mean for our bodies to be “members of Christ” and “temples of the Holy Spirit”? How does this affect our choices, particularly in the realm of sexual ethics?

  3. Honoring the Body (Verse 18-20)

    • Question: How does caring for and being kind to ourselves influence our sexual ethic?

    • Question: How can we cultivate a sexual ethic that honors God, ourselves, and others, in line with Paul’s teachings?

Reflection Questions

  1. Personal Reflection:

    • How has your understanding of sexual ethics been shaped by your upbringing, culture, or faith community?

    • In what ways has this discussion challenged or reinforced your beliefs about sexual ethics?

  2. Application:

    • How can we apply the principle of honoring God with our bodies in everyday situations?

    • What steps can we take to ensure that our concept of freedom is aligned with love and responsibility toward others?

  3. Community Reflection:

    • What practices or conversations do you think would help us grow together in this area?


  1. Summarize Key Takeaways:

    • The importance of applying the law of love to all aspects of life, including our sexual ethics.

    • The call to honor each other and ourselves, seeking the good of others in our decisions.

  2. Final Thought:

    • Remind the group that these discussions are about building a healthy, loving community that reflects the way of Jesus.

  3. Closing Prayer:

    • Invite someone to pray, asking for wisdom and grace as we apply these teachings in our lives.


Reading the Epistles Worksheet


Group Discussion Guide: Make Good Choices Pt. 3 - Don’t eat that