Pok - The Temptation Guide
Stories reveal who someone truly is. If we want to know what Jesus is like, we don’t just rely on facts—we look at the stories about him. This Lent, we are exploring six stories that reveal what kind of king Jesus is. Our first story, the temptation of Jesus in the wilderness, shows us how he chooses to rule—not through power, performance, or control, but through trust, faithfulness, and sacrificial love.
Scripture Reading
Read Matthew 4:1-11 aloud as a group.
Reflection Questions
1. Entering the Story
What stands out to you in this passage? Did anything surprise you?
Why do you think Jesus is led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tested? What does this tell us about the nature of this test?
2. The Three Temptations
First Temptation (Stones to Bread): Jesus resists using his power to meet his own needs. How does this relate to Israel’s journey in the wilderness? What does it teach us about trusting God’s provision?
Second Temptation (Jumping from the Temple): The devil tempts Jesus to prove his identity through spectacle. In what ways are we tempted to seek validation through performance or approval?
Third Temptation (Ruling the World): Jesus refuses the offer of power without suffering. How does this contrast with the way power is often pursued in the world today? What does it mean for Jesus to rule through love and sacrifice?
3. Jesus’ Response and Our Own Temptations
Jesus responds to each temptation by quoting Scripture. What does this teach us about how we can resist temptation and remain faithful to God?
How do these temptations—comfort, approval, and power—show up in your own life? How does Jesus’ example challenge or encourage you?
4. The King We Follow
What do these temptations reveal about the kind of king Jesus is?
How does Jesus’ choice to rule through love and sacrifice impact the way we live as his followers?
What would it look like this week to embrace Jesus’ way of humility, trust, and love in your own life?
Closing Prayer & Practice
Prayer: Jesus, our King, thank you for showing us what true power looks like—a power that trusts, serves, and loves. Help us to resist the temptations of comfort, control, and performance. Give us the courage to follow your way, even when it is hard. May we be shaped by your love and reflect it to those around us. Amen.
Practice for the Week:
Each day this week, take five minutes to reflect on one of the temptations Jesus faced. Ask: Where am I being tempted to seek comfort, control, or validation instead of trusting God? How can I follow Jesus' way of love instead? Write down one practical step you can take in response.
Next Week: Continue the Portraits of a King series with another story that reveals the character of Jesus.