TMD - Gather Discussion Guide

Introduction Summary

We continue our series Missio Dei, exploring not only our identity as a faith community but also our practices—the "how" of our faith. Last week, Jordan Moss reminded us of God's presence and how God works through that presence to bring about renewal and healing in the world. Today, we’ll focus on one of our communal practices: gathering. Gathering as a community tells a story of who we are, where we’ve come from, and where God is leading us. It is a space to practice belonging, where we experience Jesus’ presence and extend that presence to others. Let's explore what it means to gather, why it's important, and how we can engage in this practice with deeper intention.

Reflection Questions

  1. Reflecting on God's Presence
    Jordan Moss emphasized that God's presence is central to our lives and gatherings. How have you experienced God's presence in our gatherings, whether on Sundays or in smaller community spaces?

  2. Gathering as Storytelling
    Gathering, especially around a table, tells a story about God’s ongoing work of renewal. What stories do you think our gatherings are telling? What story has gathering told in your life?

  3. Celebration and Remembrance
    In the Passover meal, God instructed Israel to celebrate and remember their deliverance. How does gathering help you remember and celebrate God’s work in your life? What are we celebrating today as a community?

  4. Gathering and Belonging
    The practice of gathering is not always easy—it can be messy and challenging. How have you experienced both the joy and the difficulty of gathering with others in this community? What do you think God is teaching us through those challenges?

  5. The Presence of Jesus in Our Gatherings
    Jesus promises to be with us when we gather (Matthew 18:20). Do you believe God is present in all your gatherings, even those that seem mundane? How can we be more attentive to God's work in both spiritual and everyday gatherings?

  6. Extending the Table
    Gathering helps us practice Jesus’ way so we can live it out in our homes, workplaces, and neighborhoods. How can we extend the table of gathering to include others in our lives? What does it look like to carry the spirit of gathering into everyday moments?

Closing Prayer

Lord, we thank You for the gift of gathering. We recognize that when we come together, we are telling a story—Your story—of redemption, healing, and renewal. Help us to be more attentive to Your presence, whether we gather in a church, at a dinner table, or in our everyday lives. Teach us to celebrate, remember, and proclaim Your goodness. Strengthen our hearts to embrace the messiness of community, knowing that it is through this that You transform us. As we gather, may we also extend Your table to others, inviting them to experience the love, grace, and unity that You offer. In Jesus' name, Amen.


TMD pt 1 Discussion guide