TMD pt 1 Discussion guide

In this series, we are revisiting the vision and identity of our community to reorient our lives around the practices that define who we are as people called to embody the Kingdom of Jesus. Today, we’ll reflect on how God's presence shapes our communal identity and how we can live in and extend that presence to others. Rooted in the Gospel of John, we are reminded that our life with God begins in belovedness and intimacy, and that out of this relationship, we are called to love and be present with others in a world that desperately needs deep, meaningful connection.

Reflection Questions:

  1. Defining Presence:

    • How do you personally understand the idea of God’s presence in your life?

    • How does knowing that "God turns His face toward us" (panim) change the way you view your relationship with God?

  2. Rooted in Intimacy:

    • Darrell Johnson says, “At the center of the universe is intimacy.” How does this statement resonate with your own experiences of God and community?

    • How can we cultivate a deeper sense of intimacy with God and with others in our daily lives?

  3. Loneliness as a Crisis of Presence:

    • In a world filled with "connectedness" but lacking rootedness, how can we become people who are present, both to ourselves and to others?

    • What are some tangible ways we can offer presence and connection to those experiencing loneliness?

  4. God’s Desire to Be With Us:

    • The biblical narrative shows God's continual movement to dwell with His people. What examples from your own life reflect God’s desire to be present with you?

    • How can we, as a community, mirror that desire by being present with one another?

  5. Jesus as the Embodiment of God’s Presence:

    • Reflect on John 1:14: "The Word became flesh and made his home among us." What does it mean for us that Jesus is the most intimate picture of God’s presence?

    • How can we, in practical ways, embody the presence of Jesus in our neighborhoods, workplaces, and families?

  6. Reweaving Spaces Together:

    • Paul speaks of being transformed as we turn our faces toward God and experience His personal presence (2 Corinthians 3:18). How is God inviting you to be transfigured in your relationship with Him?

    • How can we, as a church, create spaces where God’s presence is tangible and people feel “at home” with Him and with one another?


TMD - Gather Discussion Guide


Reading the Epistles Worksheet